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[보도자료] [보도자료] Successful Outcomes at Fastener Fair Stuttgart

- Built strategic relationships with local fastener distributors and wind power companies 

- Boosted new profit sources by developing high value-added products including wind power products 

- KPF Vina achieved the highest monthly order amount (approx. KRW 5 billion) since its establishment



KPF participated in the Fastener Fair Stuttgart 2017 held in Stuttgart, Germany, from March 28 to 30 and built a foothold to expand the local market with its meaningful achievements.


Together with local fastener distributors, KPF agreed on a partnership for joint entry into the Italian, Polish, and Swiss construction fastener markets. They plan to meet again in May to discuss the conclusion of the partnership.


KPF also had a discussion with a German wind turbine fastener distributer to supply wind turbines to Enercon, a German wind turbine manufacturer. The two companies mutually agreed to receive a due diligence for Enercon’s supplier registration in April. 


Amidst a recent increase in the demand for renewable energy, wind turbine fasteners are one of the products that KPF is concentrating on. With this focus, the company has raised expectations for a new portfolio strategy through this fair.  


Furthermore, KPF has been holding strategic meetings with over 20 of its existing clients, including Wurth, Reyher, Fabory, and Max Mothes, and has explored the possibility to expand into the European market.


KPF is striving to create new profits by expanding orders for existing products in the global markets while developing high value-added products, including those for wind power.  


Meanwhile, KPF Vina has achieved its highest monthly order amount since its establishment in 2010 as a result of steadily strengthening its sales force in Europe, Southeast Asia, and Vietnam. In March, the company recorded about KRW 5 billion in orders, 1.4 times the average monthly sales of KRW 3.7 billion in 2016. Earnings are expected to increase further as order backlogs continue to rise.